
What happens if a Therapist leaves my business?

All you need to do is click on that Therapists profile and click on Archive. This will put that Therapist on a separate list. You can still view all there consultations and if they return to your business you can just un-archive them.

Can I add all my existing clients to the system?

Yes, all we require is a CSV file that contains your clients names and email addresses, you can usually export these from any existing appointment software. We can also offer free support in respect of this.

What happens if the website goes down?

As CWC is a live working platform we have measures in place to ensure it stays live with 24/7 support 365 days a year, including a live chat support facility on this website.

How do I terminate my subscription?

Although we are confident you will love the features and benefits of CWC, you can terminate your subscription at any time without any real notice period. You will just be billed for that month. To terminate just email us at mail@consultwithconfidence.com.

How easy is CWC to use?

CWC has been built with simplicity in mind. Once logged in, a Therapist can be performing a client consultation within 5 simple steps. The process from signing up, to completing, viewing and adding notes or images to consultations has been built with simplicity in mind.

For information about what we do with personal data see our Privacy Notice

Client View

Client Image Gallery

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Adding Forms

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Adding Clients

Therapist Dashboard
